Friday, September 12, 2008

Staring blankly ahead, just making my way through the crowd...

I read Kenny Sia's blog the other day about the Ahmad Ismail issue, so

YES!!! I just handed in my !@#$%^&* (times 100) marketing management assignment, and now it's DONE!!!

Bravo. ('s just 10% assesment biggie) BUT 10% can make A LOT OF DIFFERENCE when you're a lousy study person like me. That's why I can't count on exams to boost up my marks. And I really really want that 'A'. Okok...'A' in marketing is a bit like saying 'I want to train my dog to be able to do doggy-stunts like stand up on her hind legs and shake hands and run in circles when I tell her to'...all talk, no action.

Ok...there IS an itsy bitsy teeny weeny bit of action...just...not enough. I KNOW I'm more capable than what I'm currently able to do, just that I'm so bloody lazy, that's all.

But seriously, I'm aiming for either 'A' or at least a 'B+' in ALL my subjects, because I know I can, and also because I'm turning a bit kiasu lah. I don't want to have a lesser result when I KNOW I should be able to do better.

And I just realised that I've spelt Northern wrongly (I spelt Northen). I was reading the main title and thought that the spelling 'Northen' looked...weird. After 594674169794364 times of reading it, I just realised it NOW. Greats. This just shows how much I really pay attention. And how much I suck at spelling. Bleeeh...

Ah k, have to go and search for examples of graffiti. Have to show Ms Queenie the design on MONDAY!!. Deng. La.


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