Monday, March 31, 2008




OMG, I'm sososososo excited!!!

And why am I so excited? I mean...what's the big deal?

Well, 'cuz i failed the first time. Both Part 2 and 3. So I was really nervous that I might screw up again, especially since my L license expires on the 2nd of April. On the way to the testing centre I was hoping so hard that I would be able to get my clutch/oil right. Turns out that Surfine Hitech changed all the road cars and they're all NEW!!! YES YES YES, my heart jumped up for joy!!! I was so relieved that we weren't gonna use that stupid old crap of a car for driving. The jalan part went smoothly, mainly because the clutch was pretty much the same as the car I used to practice. I took Jalan 2, and I made a mistake by forgetting one of the bumps (which wasn't coloured yellow, mind you) and only saw it at the last minute. Thankfully the tester didn't pin me down for that. I got X for signals (keep forgetting, hee) and gear (that one I don't know why) but anyways the others were alright.

Then came the dreaded part, the slope/parking/three-point turn. I was so afraid that I might fail that one, and have to re-sit...AGAIN. The first time I stopped and it didn't reach the line, so the tester gave me another chance. OMG, I was having this 'you better get this right or dad will give you HELL' moments, so I just took a deep breath and drove up SLOWLY. This time I managed 100%. Then came the hard part, driving it down. After seeing so many people failing and their cars went downhill, I was really nervous. But I calmed down, release the clutch till it vibrated, and pressed the oil as hard as I could. I could hear angels singing when the car moved FRONTWARDS instead of the fail-worthy BACKWARDS. Then off to parking. Parking was pretty easy for me, but since this is THE TEST, I wasn't going to take any chances. I got off that easily and made the three-point turn. I wasn't going to take that easy either. I've seen a few failing that part because they took things too easy. So I did what I had to do, carefully.

When I the tester gave me my slip, I literally felt this HUGE BOULDER lifting off me. Seriously, I NEVER HAVE TO TAKE LESSONS AGAIN. I never have to wait for my instructor (who always arrives late), never have to face the frustration of driving to Ulu Langat and never have to face the agony of waiting for your turn to drive. Never again. YES.

And so, that concludes my day today...I'm sosososososo happy, and my dad is taking me and my mom out to eat Jap food. Yippeeeee...


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