Friday, July 11, 2008

To A Friend...

To a very great friend...

One that, by fate, got stuck with me for 5 years in DJ,

And though her evilness has caused some disfunction in my psychology in later years,

And invisible bruises to my very fragile ribs,

And her short jokes has trampled my ego,

But her never-ending tales of fantasy,

And countless role-playing games,

And jokes that make your sides ache,

And companionship (face-to-face or msn) has kept me away from the shores of boredom,

And imagination which knows no boundaries nor logic that keeps me away from harsh realities of life,

And best of all; friendship,

Has made me grateful for the last five years...


(Hui Leng if you find this cheesy...I hope you don't kill me *big puppy eyes*)

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