Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm only writing here because I know that nobody reads this.

but sometimes...

just sometimes...

it feels like I'm the only person on this earth that really understands me.

when someone talks bad about you, you feel obligated to speak up for yourself; to defend yourself; correct any misunderstandings if there were any, but mostly to get things straight.

I admit, I can get pretty defensive, but it's mostly about things that I care about, things that I love and feel passionate about, things that mean a lot to me than just a 'thing'.

I'm not trying to attack anyone, but if someone attacks you or what you love, you will try to defend it, won't you?

If you don't, fine then, I do. ONLY ME. I'm the ONLY ONE who ever has the lameness to have such passion for such unimportant matters. Such as movies.

I mean, those movies were the some of the BEST movies that I have ever watched. And when someone disses them, I feel obligated to stand up for it, because I'm passionate about it. Because I LOVE IT.

And who cares if I'm too obsessed about things like that?


I may shut my mouth (or keep my fingers from typing) but the words will still be on my mind, running over and over again until I'm finally consumed by sleep.

Other people defend what they love, they defend their favourite actors, their favourite singers, their mom, their dad, their family, their friends.

Why can't I? Just because I use words that supposedly has ill-intentions behind them. Heck, I speak like that when I'm hyped up. I don't get hyped up over everything. Just some. Dear anyone who felt threaten, I didn't mean it. I'm just merely speaking the points that I have.

I guess this is the only way I can write without being judged (because no one reads this, obviously).

If I do attack something someone likes, I won't be shocked that they make the decision to defend what they like, because it's something instinctive.

But I guess no one understands that.

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