Friday, November 7, 2008

Severely depressed

WAAAH!!! I just read Naruto chapter 424 and am now severely depressed.

Those who know me and reads Naruto know why laa..

Really...I might seem a little weird to be this obsessed about an anime character, but really. I guess you can equate it to being obsessed about a celebrity, the person might be real, but you'll never know the real person behind all the celebrity status and good looks. The guy I like isn't real, but I do know his character, values, personality and all.

I guess no one can really understand besides people who have fallen for anime characters as well...

And bimbos had an outing and i couldn't make it...that pretty much added to the depression...what to club leader wanna go sad so sad...

kk lah...nothing much to talk edi...

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