Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years.

Still having trouble understanding why.

Why. All that for some stupid belief that your God wants you to kill people not of your religion?

What f*cking shitload of crap. What f*cking shitload of crap to justify your own sick, twisted, sadistic reasons for wanting to do such a thing. Don't make your religion as a scapegoat for your actions.

I hope you rot in hell.

I thought that one lifetime of wrongdoings does not deserve an eternity of hell, but you're an exception.

In this case, I hope hell exists, with eternity-long reservations for people like you. I hope you suffer as much as the three thousand lives you took. No, I hope you suffer three thousand times more what those people suffered. Every burn, every bleed, every broken bone. Multiplied by three thousand.

And even then, it's still not even close to what you really deserve.